Wednesday, December 22, 2010

And now blogging, a 5-9 broadcaster from Burnsville, Mn Torrrrrrrriiiiii HOLT!

Welcome Minnesota Sports fans! I'd like to introduce to you my new blog for fans of ALL Minnesota Sports and then your odd burning desires, including my thoughts about Brett Favre and why hes so awesome! I will try and update everyday, give you something to ponder when your day at work sucks, give you an outlet so you have someone to argue with instead of taking it home to your spouse and of course I will educate you on what is really important in life, Minnesota Sports. And I will do this for your own good because as I have comeback to this state I have realized that alot of people think they know what they are talking about, but as Jim Mora said "You think you know, but you really dont. You really dont know! You think you know but you really dont know." My friends of Minnesota and all other places of this earth, including the west, which according to the 2010 census has grown more than any other region, T Holt is here to help! So here goes the first one...please leave comments at the end or the end I love you all.


So I have heard it and I am sick of it. Ego, pompus, selfish, waffler, indecisive blah blah. Is he all of those and then some, even a waffler which is something I thought you ate, Yes he is, and then some. And thats a big part of why hes been so great. People hate when they see things in others that they dont like about themselves and all of Favres flaws which are some of his strengths are on display for all the world to see. The difference between Favre and the rest of major league superstars is that he thinks of himself like hes a normal person. Becasue of that, he drops his guard and is allowing us into what are the ramblings in his head that most pro athletes never allow us to see. We all are those things to a certain extent that I mentioned he is at times and some of them we dont like in ourselves so they bother us.

Favre is as misunderstood as the great Tommy Kramer. Everyone thinks TK is just this big booze hound that golfs and chews tabaccy all day and has no meaning to his, er wait, That is TK....nevermind, my point is that Favre is one of the greatest competitors in sports history, He started 297 straight games, is Cal Ripken selfish? He threw for over 70,000 yards, Did Warren Moon who did the same (CFL & NFL) play too long? Its not like Favre had a domestic like the aformentioned Moon, he sent a couple of pics to the wrong cell phone an they got intercepted, BIG DEAL.  Hes used to being intercepted. He crushed Dan Marinos record of TD passes, and Marino is revered, Favre can never say he didnt win a title, Marino? And the picks, yeah he did throw alot of costly ones, but dont forget last year in New Orleans when he threw back across the field and Tracy Porter picked him off, the week before in Dallas he did the same thing and picked up 20 yards and a first down on a completion to Sidney that iced the game.  Do you blame him for trying? Elway, Marino, Montana etc wouldnt have been in the game with that ankle injury. Geez, Favre was the modern version of the trajic hero, his greatest strength was his final undoing! He had to make the play, and it cost him. But that was the difference in last years Vikings, they never gave up becasue they had the greatest leader.

Monday night, a week following the T Jack debacle, and by the way be honest and raise your hand if you wanted Webb or Tjack at somepoint this year! Ok I think we have our answer, whatta joke those two are....They are the Twins version of Christian Guzman and Louie Rivas....Back to my point, Favre started becasue he wants to compete, he wants to be the show, he wants to have glory, he wants his fans to love him, he wants to win, but most importantly he wants to be in the game because he loves the game. And to me since 1994 when he scrambled and dove into the end zone in the 4th quarter against Atlanta to give the Packers their first playoff win in 2 decades, in my mind is the one QB I would have taken over them all.  So on Monday Night when the haters came out of the closesnts to lambaste a guy for trying to play in front of his home fans one more time (And because he wanted the spotlight), but also because he wanted to help his team win and he knew it gave them the best chance, understand he put his body in harms way to do what he loved most, and for most of us I think we all wish we had something in our lives we loved that much!

Editors note* I dont edit, I write and post so fogive errors. Thank you, and I hope good or bad it sparked an emotion.


  1. For a moment I couldn't determine if 5-9 was a reference to your height or the Vikes record.
    You're obviously too big of a Favre supporter/booster/apologist for me to ever argue and believe I can convince you of anything contrary.
    That said, he's a great QB statistically, but clutch? He's not even in the top 10 all-time of clutch QBs. Ask anyone who'd they'd pick if they needed 1 QB to win a big game, or drive their team down the field down 4 with 2 mins left. Would anyone say Favre? Montana, Elway, Brady - all those guys are money in clutch spots.
    At this point, the images we'll take away from Favre's career are terrible INT's. Yeah, he was a gunslinger and that's just the way he played - but that's just it, he was a mixed bag.
    I didn't have a problem with him wanting to play in that last game in the snow, outdoors in Minnesota. If my career was winding down and my chances to play were dwindling, I'd want to be out there, too, especially in such a fun environment and unique setting.
    He's a diva and loves drama and being in the spotlight by creating that drama. And while I don't blame him entirely for the media coddling (Berman saying "he looks like a big kid out there!" 800x over, and other like barf-inducing commentary), the fact he creates drama to serve his own ego puts him in the same category with Heidi and Spencer.
    In a way, I sympathize with his waffling. The guy obviously has a huge problem letting go - not unlike 99% of pro athletes. It's a matter of identity. "If I'm not a star QB, who am I?" I get it. It's the way his annual "decision" unfolds that pisses people off. I'm gonna play. I'm not gonna play. I don't think my ankle will hold up. We'll have to see. The poor Vikes have to send a private jet to beg the guy to do something he wanted to do all along - he just wanted the team to kiss his ass and make him feel needed.
    Adding to that, the whole Sterger-gate paints his waffling in a new light, i.e. not wanting to give up the groupie gravy train that comes with NFL stardom. That has dealt his "good ol' boy" image a tough blow, and it speaks to the love affair the media (and to a definite extent, the league) has with him that no one's really jumped on that story full-bore, ala Tiger Woods.
    Bottom line: all the drama, from the self-serving waffling to infidelity rumors, has made him less likeable.

    From a football/stats only standpoint, I do believe Favre is a Hall of Fame QB, but his failure in too many big spots dents the argument of him being the best of all-time.

  2. Good for you though, T-Holt, blogging your thoughts. Always appreciate thoughts entered into the arena of debate...
    Question possibly for your next entry:
    As a life-long lover of Minnesota sports, was it at all hard to accept Favre into your heart after (surely) hating him so long as a Packer?

  3. @colredsanders...I appreciate the comments I am getting my act together and this will be updated daily if not more...Thanks again for your opinions, I love reading them.

    The question of Favre and my acceptence - Ever since that run against Atlanta that I mentioned in 1994 I realized thats the guy I want on my team...Did I like him, Yes...Did I respect him, more than any other player, yes. Did I love it when the Vikings kicked the sh@# out of the Packers and Randle was dominating him, Yes. But the fact that he became a Viking was one of my great Minnesota sports dreams come true.

    Just like I cant stand the White Sox but if Gardy ever gets canned PLEASE bring us OZZIE!

  4. Interesting; I can understand the "respect the hell out of him, that's a guy I want on my team" argument. Probably how Chiefs fans feel about Joe Montana. Thought there may have been a bigger differential given the Pack-Vikes rivalry, but by and large the Vikes faithful seem to have loved having him.
    - Loved, loved, LOVED the outdoor game in Minnesota. The crowd was rabid and if the Vikes had stayed in the game, it would have continued to escalate. I read Wilf wants an outdoor stadium if they can get a new one built. All for it. Twins (albeit in the Summer, not winter) proved outdoor stadiums can work there, and something about the cold and football just adds to the pageantry and hype of an event.
    - The Metrodome roof caving in has to be God's way of speeding up the process of getting a new stadium and, ultimately, keeping the team in Minnesota. Ironic the snow hit just as the talk of LA getting an NFL franchise is at its highest buzz point in years. Here's hoping Minnesota gets to keep their team - that's a proud town and region and a great history of NFL there.
    - What kind of fallout would there be if the Vikings relocated to LA? How about the possibility of LA stealing not one but TWO pro franchises from the Land o' Lakes, some 60 years after the Lakers bolted town?

  5. Need much more evidence to classify Favre in the same coitally-crazed universe as the erstwhile Mr. Woods IMHO...good dialog tho and congrats TH for getting off the schniede!
