Thursday, December 23, 2010

Just some ramblings....

- WTF is up with the NCAA suspending guys for trading autographs for tattoos??? Half those guys wont make a dollar playing pro sports and a third will be broke if they do! Are you effing me? University's make millions off these kids and the people who are suspending them have jobs because of them. How bout holding that slimy snake Pete Carrolls feet to the fire who bailed when things got too hot at USC?? What a bunch of BS. Carroll gets off like he's OJ Simpson, like Ron Meyer did at SMU and his players get punished, the NCAA has to reevaluate their system.

- T'wolves, fun, exciting, talented and have some serious ability to turn the franchise around....But if Keyshawn saw them blow their seventh double digit lead last night, and saw how they finished by Martell Webster pumping up a 25 foot three with an eternity left on the clock, he'd a said C'MON MAN!

- The Wilds second rounder, and freshman at Denver University Jason Zucker has been named to the U.S. World Junior team that competes in Buffalo, NY December 26- January 5th. Zucker is a great kid, who has explosive speed, great touch around the net, and a bomb of a shot. Currently he leads the NCAA in freshman goal scoring with 14.

-  What happens when the Vikings go to Philadelphia this weekend and get boot stomped? As much as I like Leslie Frazier and his demeanor, his defense is awful and the team has performed the last two weeks like it used to under Dennis Green when they would be down 21 at halftime on the road and wouldn't have a chance. That was the one thing I liked about the Vikings when Brad Childress coached. It was that they were ALWAYS (Exception Green Bay game at dome) in games, especially on the road. Even when they went through that tough stretch of nine games without a road win they had a chance in most of them. I am all for consideration of Leslie Frazier but man, if the last couple games is a sign of how his players play for him, no thanks, Ill take the Chilly one!

1 comment:

  1. If Philly stomps the Purple (as I am afraid they will be doing tomorrow night), I may have to reword the BC Epilogue with a conclusion that the players were more at fault...character counts when a team has been cursed as much as the Vikings have been this year....the following post was made BEFORE the dome collapsed...

    November 22, 2010: I have been a staunch supporter and apologist for Brad Childress throughout his coaching tenure with the Minnesota Vikings...ESPN blogs and newspaper comments alike document this. But the things I know about this year led me to the inescapable conclusion that his time had come for him to be gone...and I do not enjoy the idea of a person losing his job as this is one of the most difficult things anyone can endure (even with the money)...I know this from personal experience. But...

    This is the most frustrating season I can least since last season! But there is always more than we know in the offices and practice fields which have helped me give BC the benefit of a doubt until this year...

    Things we do not much input Brad Childress had on the Favre and Moss acquisitions vs Wipf calling the shots...whether he will get any credit for improving the Vikings team from the dung pile he inherited...and the number of times Favre listened to him this year (17 ints and counting) vs last year (7).

    Things we cannot ignore...Robinson and Moss abrupt dismissals and worsening relationship with players like Favre and Harvin (and the front office) that became public showed us that the stress was consuming the coach...he had regressed from last year...even in simple things such as replay flag throwing...the Vikes were competitive in their games until the last two weeks when the "team" concept has disintegrated into the "tim" concept (you know...the one with the "i" in it)...and the coach did not have the answers so he paid the price.

    Conclusion - Brad was the right coach to take this team through last year...but his rigidity did not mesh with the "individuals" and he had insufficient coaching cache and charisma to continue. Good luck to Coach hopes he has the right combo in these areas.

    One more thing...I respect Brad Childress and wish him and his family the best in the future...he was right in saying he left the team much better than he found it. One hopes he also takes time to reflect on the growth and self-confidence he needs to be successful in this field...
