Monday, December 27, 2010

Ramblings and Memories for Monday...

- Hasn't anyone figured out yet that Norv Turner is a terrible NFL head coach?! The guy keeps coaching in the NFL and its mind bottling (Ya know when your thoughts get all bottled up). He is 98-105-1 lifetime as a head coach in 13 seasons, hes been the head of 3 teams (Was, OAK, SD) and has only qualified for the playoffs 4 times. Once he went as an 8-8 playoff team. Probably the same record as what the much maligned NFC West Champ will have this year as a playoff team. His teams have never started well, even with loaded San Diego Chargers squads and hes only finished over .500 five times, and in one of those years (2000 Wash) he was fired with a 7-6 record.

Norv needs to go - They were way better off with Marty Schottenheimer, who they replaced with Turner in 2007. Schottenheimer was 35-13 his last three seasons in San Diego before being fired following a 14-2 year and a AFC Divisional playoff loss to New England when the Chargers fumbled an INT that would have sealed the victory just by taking a knee.

The Vikings maybe headed down this same path.

- Don't write off the Timberwolves as a bunch of nobodies, yet. It could be a mistake in a couple years. I will answer my own questions as if I am Brett Favre. Are they bad this year? Yes. Would they like to stop blowing double digit leads? Absolutely. But last night they came up with a big win on the road snapping a 7 game losing streak, that was part of a much larger 13 game road losing streak by rallying from 14 down in the final eight minutes to beat Cleveland 98-97 behind a red hot Bee Eazy. With Michael Beasley, Wes Johnson, K-Love, Johnny Flynn and the  possibility of getting Ricky Rubio next year they have one of the better and youngest nucleaus' in the league. Overall they are the NBA's youngest team and have some solid role players as well, like Wayne Ellington Luke Ridnour and even the maligned Darko! Kudos to David Kahn for putting together something to start looking forward to at Target Center.

-Lastly Wild on the road today against Columbus. Jose Theodore will start, and Cam Barker should be back in the lineup. Nick Schultz who passed his concussion test will get an opportunity to get back into the line up possibly tonight. Also Brad Staubitz should play.

These are games the Wild desperately need to have. Columbus sits one point ahead of Minnesota in the Western Conference with one more game played. This is where the mediocre make the playoffs, by winning these types of games.

Wild win 3-1.

The Worst Season in the 50 years of the Vikings is the 50th

- Vikings game tomorrow night and in my opinion Brett Favre will not start and should not start. As much as I appreciated the willingnes to go out there and get his head beat in against the Bears, I'd love for him to just get some rest and call it a career. This coming from the biggest Favre apologist, and biggest Vikings homer, Favre needs to shut it down. In my mind he's the toughest and one of the greatest.  Hes done everything and deserves a heroes send off but for his health he needs to do what Steve Mariucci said he should do on NFL Gameday morning this week...

"Brett you keep saying you have nothing to prove, Well I say you do. Prove to us you can let the game go. Its over. And you still have that to prove to us and to yourself. Prove that you can let the game go and sit out the rest of the season. Its over, Brett. Its over, let it go."

In order for Favre to play tomorrow night against Philly he would have to pass a league mandated concussion test and so far he hasn't. It doesn't look like he will either, the Vikings DON'T have one scheduled with him for today.  In my opinion Joe Webb will start.

With the Vikings going through one of their worst seasons in team history I wanted to remind you of my Top 5 heart wrenching Vikings moments...

#5 Josh McCown and the NFL's worst franchise does in Mike Tice

#4 Its Darrin Nelson's Fault

#3 The Pushoff

# 2 The Tragic Hero - His greatest strength was is ultimate demise

#1 The Perfect Season, Er wait...

Hope you enjoyed reliving the memories as much as I!

Have a wonderful Monday

1 comment:

  1. My most vivid memory from watching the Vikings that season was watching Gary Anderson run straight back to the sidelines after kicking his field goals and extra points. That always bugged me - not sticking around to tap your holder on the helmet or smack your linemen on the rear end to say "good job" - like it was just him out there. I know it's not a tangible thing, but I'll always feel that missed kick was karma snapping back at him for all those sideline trots.
