Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Spinning the Webb of Victory

Minnesota 24 Philadelphia 14

A shocker in Philadelphia is an understatement after watching the Minnesota Vikings get rolled by a combined 61-17 in their last two games. And by the way, I don't give the New York Giants much credit because they just aren't a good football, period. With that said the 24-14 victory for the Vikes couldn't have been more unlikely but it also couldn't have been more deserved. More on that in a moment. Lets look at how this may have hurt them first.

Glass Half Empty

Depending on which way you want to look at last nights victory, (And trust me, I think it was beautiful) in an odd twist of fate this win could have been  the worst thing for the Vikings as it bumps them down in their draft positioning. Had they lost their last two games, they could have done as well as third thru fifth which would have given them a shot at a big time QB like Cam Newton or Ryan Mallett from Arkansas or a much needed shut down corner like Prince Amukamara. Amukamara, from Nebraska maybe the best DB in the draft, hes big, runs a 4.49 and was named first team All-American.  The Vikings likely now will be picking outside the top 10 in the draft and that hurts them as they are in dire need of immediate secondary an quarterback help. 

The other bad news from last nights win, is that by beating Philadelphia, the Vikings not only helped Chicago clinch a bye in round 1, they pretty much pushed the Packers into the playoffs by creating a meaningless game scenario for the Bears. I know only diehards care about that but it does suck to help out those two teams! But that's the bad news, as Kenny Chesney sang, lets get to the "Good Stuff"!

DEEE- Fense

In one of the most improbable wins in the last few years considering the circumstances and the way the Vikings have looked their last two games, the Vikings found out some very important things about their team. 

First off, What a extraordinary job done by Leslie Frazier and defensive coordinator, Fred Pagac (who coached Antoine Winfield at Ohio State) not only did they have their players motivated and ready to play in one of the weirdest seasons, and situations in NFL History, but they devised a blueprint for other teams to shutdown Mike Vick and Philadelphia.  Since the Arizona game, Jared Allen has been a man on fire. 8.5 sacks in that time, one of the top pass rushers in the NFL but more importantly last night he held containment on the run even when he was getting up field in the rush which helped force Lashaun McCoy back inside to the meat of the Vikings defense. They also dialed up the pressure, using Zero or Casino blitzes and bringing the corners off the edge, that included the Antoine Winfield strip sack that was returned for the TD.That TD by Winfield was a key turning point in the game, because it stopped a Philly drive at midfield and instead of being down by two scores at the half they went in with the game tied and a belief they could win.

If you rember Winfield had one very similiar in a Monday Night Game at the Superdome in a 31-28 win vs. New Orleans.

Their secondary played well outside of the THREE, count them three dropped interceptions. The Frank Walker one had to have been the ugliest of the bunch. Then again, the Lito Sheppard one had to be the most embarrassing since he spent 7 seasons in front of those fans.

 3 Good Reasons to Hire Frazier

Regardless of what happens next week against the Detroit Lions the Vikings have to seriously consider the way that Leslie Frazier has handled this team and calmed the stormy seas after the debacle that was this season.

He not only had the Vikings ready in odd circumstances, they played their best game against an MVP candidate, a east coast media anointed Super Bowl contender, and arguably the most explosive offense in the NFL. They also snapped a nine game road losing streak at Washington, while going 3-2 in his five games, while miraculously only playing one of those games inside their home stadium the Metrodome. I think the other thing that is a tell tale sign that speaks volumes of what Frazier has done with this team, is that every player in that locker room has lobbied for him as the Vikings Head Coach when they have had the chance. It also helps when Tony Dungy does as well on national TV.

In my opinion, Leslie Frazier is the guy for this team.

1. Because most importantly the players like, respect, and want to play for him. I found it funny that Winfield said last night "We respect Coach Frazier because coach understands us because he played the game". I felt like that was a little shot at how far the respect went with Brad Childress.

2. Tell me if your Zygi Wilf, who are you going to get to coach your team if it isn't Frazier. He's cheap too. Plus Cowher, Gruden, Parcells blah blah  you name the names, aren't coming to Minnesota and Wilf isn't paying them. The only guy I could see is Tom Coughlin if he gets fired but I doubt he will.

3. Frazier deserves the job. Hes had 7 head coaching interviews and never had his chance. Now we have seen what he can do with a banged up team, without a starting QB, that quit on their last coach and at worst they will finish 3-3 under him with only one of those games played in his home stadium.

Verdict in on Webb

The jury isn't out of deliberation. But I will say that last nights win for the Vikings led by Joe Webb was very impressive from a leadership perspective which until Tuesday night, I didn't know he possessed.

- He was efficient, but most importantly he was at the most crucial time. 8 of 11 in the second half for 124 yards, a beautiful rope off his back foot for 46 yards to Percy Harvin and, a Vick like 9-yard TD run that broke the ankles of three Eagles defenders, like he was Tim Hardaway with the killer crossover. 

- The play of the game though was, on 3rd and 11 with about 8 minutes left in the game, he fires a rocket on target to Percy Harvin for 19 and a first down which led to the Peterson TD. Game over.

- The Vikings also came into the game with the worst turnover ratio for Qb's in the NFL and on the leagues biggest regular season stage, he took care of the ball. Unlike Vick who fumbled twice and threw one pick, while having the three others dropped.

Looking ahead

- I think next week Favre still starts if he's healthy, regardless of how Webb does next week it doesn't change anything, you know you have a guy in Webb that has star potential. After 20 years though, and a Hall of Fame career, Favre should get the start and ride off in the sunset. Webb then will have a full off season to start getting ready for next years Qb contraversy.

Plus he can do this...

1 comment:

  1. Jump right in early talking how the Vikings will now likely miss out on a "big time" QB like Newton or Mallett, while Webb's performance gets buried? I think your 2011 "QB Controversy" ended last night. I loved the guy's composure and athletic ability - he out-Vicked Vick. After Favre, figured you'd be happy to have more of an unassuming, low-profile QB for a change?
    Love Frazier, if they don't keep him on full-time, they're idiots who deserve to see their team playing in LA in 2012.
